Potsdamer Schokoladenmarkt
05 – 21 December 2025/Alter Markt Potsdam Johann Friedrich Miethe from Halle, who had been running a confectionery and gingerbread bakery at Charlottenstraße 46 since 1820, bought the property in 1830 and had a chocolate factory built. The factory itself was located in the courtyard of the property, directly on the banks of the Havel. This made it possible to supply raw materials cheaply and conveniently. The buildings on the street side were used as flats and as an office with sales facilities. Miethe produced his chocolate in this factory with the help of a steam engine. This technical innovation helped Miethe to mass produce his chocolate, which was very difficult to make at the time and was therefore only produced in relatively small quantities. However, Miethe had developed a process that made machine production of the best quality possible. Soon everyone was talking about ‘steamed chocolate’. Building on this wonderful historical model, we want to give the topic of chocolate a grand and worthy setting on the historic ‘Old Market’ adjacent to the old …