Events in public spaces require an array of permissions and requirements.
No matter if street party, parade, music festival or soapbox race: In Germany you need a permit for an event on public streets or squares. In order for this to be granted, an application must be made to the relevant office and certain requirements must be met per se, for example insurance cover such as third-party liability and, if necessary, accident insurance.
We know processes, contact persons and deadlines for events in public spaces!
We submit all applications on time and know which Documents (from sketches, to disclaimers, to no parking zones) are needed where. We communicate with the district and public order offices, obtain permits and settle accounts with GEMA.
We are true professionals when it comes to knowing which forms are necessary and are up to date with current laws and regulations.
Forms are available from the relevant authorities, and we undertake their provision and their completion. We are happy to provide information on all fees and also on fee reductions and other formalities to our clients on request. But if you don’t want to worry, you can rest assured that it’s all in good hands with us!
Legal requirements for events in public spaces are:
the Road Traffic Regulations (StVO), the Berlin Road Act (BerlStrG), the Green Areas Act (GrünanlG), the Berlin State Immission Control Act (LImSchG Bln), the Trade Licensing Act (GewO), the Act on Explosive Substances (SprengG) (fireworks) the First Ordinance to the Explosives Act (SprengV) (fireworks), the Federal Highways Act (FStrG), the Administrative Fees Ordinance (VGebO) or the Special Usage Fees Ordinance (SNGebV)
Sounds complicated?
With our years of experience we can cope with this with no problem – and we also know the value of making sure that the public are properly protected at events!
Talk to us, we‘ ll be happy to support you with your event in the public domain!